About this Blog

So many people wish they could lose weight. This blog is an attempt to put together something to share about my experience. I started January of 2012 at 232 lbs and I had been trying to lose weight, probably shaving 5 lbs off my maximum, which would have been closer to 235. My last measurement showed a mere 160.4 lbs. The means over the last year I would have lost 75 lbs. In the picture from the summer of 2012 I weigh 175. I would love to get down to the 150 to 155 range over the next year. Why so slim? Mostly because if its worth doing its worth doing well. But also because arteriosclerosis runs thick in my family and if I can live at an ideal weight of course I should. I'm also fully content to live life at 160 if that's how it is to be, but I think its worth a try. This blog lets you join the adventure!

The main thing was I just decided I'm in charge of my own weight. Policitians and actors do it. Why not me? Do I just did. No hocus-pocus. No hormones or any kind of pill. No extreme behavior, diets or fasting. No worries about mysterious toxins. Just a series of straight-up, science-based strategies.

That why I think I have something to share. I can weigh whatever I want. Although I take what I know from science, I don't have access to scholarly libraries or time to do full scholarship on what I put here. I don't claim to have all the science right. If you know something I should know, add in a comment. This blog is a work in progress, I will keep editing the pages as I get ideas, insight and feedback.

All my best -- Rob



Beliefs About Food

I don’t know but I’m worried about genetically modified wheat. There are a lot of people who are having a hard time digesting wheat products. I’m not celiac, I don’t know if its gluten or wheat, I use them interchangeably. I just know I feel better if I don’t eat wheat products more that one day per week.  Small amounts don’t matter once I’ve been gluten free for a time. If I eat more than that, I feel lethargic and bloated. When I eat wheat I want to eat more to make my tummy feel better.
    Food is more than a calorie delivery system, but the food system subsidizes the cheapest processed starches making these foods the most calories per dollar. Obesity, including child obesity, is at pandemic proportions. Grocery stores are set up for profit not health, and a company makes a profit regardless of whether or not the food is good for me. Someone is getting rich selling me cheap processed food, probably using government subsidized, genetically modified, wheat and corn. Food companies are not people, they are profit making machines. They will assume, “what they don’t know won’t hurt them”. Stop eating processed food, it only looks cheaper. It gives us a quick rush of fat and carbs after a stressful day. Not nice.
    Nature has one food that should be healthy and is not—the potato. Potatoes grow in the ground and are a whole food, so they should be excellent food, but they have starch in granules that break open on cooking. Potatoes have the highest glycemic index of any foot. They will raise my blood sugar faster than table sugar. Other than potatoes, I just eat the whole foods, foods that are as unprocessed as possible. Potatoes are a treat.
    Soups are deceiving. Sometimes a homemade chicken gumbo soup can have a lot of protein which can make it hard to lose weight if there are no carb overages during the day. Soups are delicious and healthy, but I think to lose weight its best to use vegetable based broth. If I eat a high-protein soup I’m hungry because I’ve not eaten a lot solids, I could easily eat too much. The carbs that I eat after the soup could meet all my needs for short term energy, leaving my soup protein as storage. If at any time I eat a larger meal, then my body can use that stored energy to help grow the fat cells. 
    I was constantly challenging my wife as to why I couldn’t eat late in the day. I enjoy a good tummy full at bed time, it helps me relax and fall asleep. So I needed to be convinced as to why it was bad to eat before bed. So here’s why I stopped eating before bed. My body needs a 12 hour fast to use up short term energy (glycogen) stored during the day. At night, you can fast without releasing Cortisol (the stress hormone). So weight is lost at night. The same shortage in the day will create a starvation situation, releasing cortisol. I also need to be hungry in the morning so I can eat some slow burning carbs and synchronize the sugar in my blood with my need for energy.
    Feast and famine are part of our nature. My body focuses available energy on growth and reproduction when food is abundant and on maintenance and repair when food is scarce. Times of abundant food are good times to reproduce. When food is abundant cells leave broken down and deactivated parts hanging around to clean up later.  I need my body to focus on maintenance and repair. When I cause my body to lose weight, I also can get it to repair itself.  

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