This is an example of a graph I would make to track how I'm doing. I make lots of graphs, but this is the one I like at the moment. It shows I'm in trouble from lots of eating outside of my regular diet. Luncheons and weekend barbecues peak this time of year. All I can do is track it and deal with the consequences. At this point I also know that my triglycerides are modest but not low and my delicious supper last night means stored glycogen is probably high. I'm above my minimum goal, so that means no fat and minimum calories until that red line is below the green line for at least two consecutive days.
The Graph:
- Max-Min are the green and yellow lines
- 3 day average is my weight this AM averaged with the previous two days
- Loss Rate is a seven day running average, that running average is compared with the running average a week ago. I need a very stable and sure number to know what my rate of loss is, because I'm going to base eating decisions on that.